I had a partner motor cop unexpectedly leave the highway at 60 or so. The crash was caused by hypothermia in just 50 degree weather and ended his career.
I was likely too sensitive, but it is a serious issue that is frequently overlooked by riders.
I'm still up in the air on showing up. Eric, @teraeric, was kind enough to offer to haul my bike and I over there in his RV but he is leaving about 36 hours before I can possibly get away. I need to be available as we are migrating the servers from Houston to Miami the 4th through 6th.
Still trying to line up getting a receiver installed on my new small SUV and renting a motorcycle trailer from U-Haul. I've not rented a cabin yet. Hopefully they have some capacity when I know for sure
That is good to know. Rain or shine i am heading out on the morning of the 7TH. Forecast for Oklahoma is 60% chance of rain all day. Do not care. Kind of figure on getting wet on the ride to Oklahoma city before turning South. Either way no snow so I am good. Rain or shine arrival time should be around 4:00 Pm on the 8TH. This is going to be fun.
Steel, are you still planning on a Houston stop Tuesday PM? We are expecting you. Head out Wednesday in the AM. Have you done this ride before? 337, one of the sisters starts in Medina, west of Bandera. I have not ridden that. It looks good. Lunch in Boerne or Bandera?