Anyone interested in doing Three Sisters this year?

I am a OKIE not a #amn Texan. Those folks south of the red river must be drinking some bad water or something. Up around here we all say #ell Yea. But in Rome must do as the Romans do.
$uck it am ready to ride.

Me as well! Two days out I now be in St. John, AZ for a sleep. Tomorrow shall find a place to park the rig, unload Kong & head out on Cortez Hwy, 191, to Mt. Lemmon & Tombstone . . .
Which way you riding?
Taking I-40 to OKC Then turning south down 277 On the 7TH. Plan on riding hard until I cross the red river. Time of departure unknown from henryetta Oklahoma . Whenever I wake up. Gave up on a bar and hotel combo. Just figure I'll ride until I find a town with a room close to a bar (within walking distance)Plan on getting it get it on. (old school bike run) Then plan on whenever i wake up to ride hard and make it to the farm by no later than four Pm on the 8TH. If your riding my way would be more than Happy to hook up. Rereading My response not 30 years old anymore but #ell. I figure I am good as once around ready to roll.
I am a OKIE not a #amn Texan. Those folks south of the red river must be drinking some bad water or something. Up around here we all say #ell Yea. But in Rome must do as the Romans do.

Ya, if I hear you say yeee haahr we may have to hold you down n cut yer hair..... @Steel bring a fie gallon bucket of dat pipe dope!
We goan hava blast bruh’s

Spent most of the day yesterday getting the new (to me) R3 road ready. New battery, chasing lectric gremlins. Ignition switch is toast, but luckily the keyless remote works. Changed fork seals and put a new front tire. Mounted a new back tire on the spare rim. I'll swap that out either today or tomorrow. And I still need to put the EZBrackets on the new bags. It's almost time to chase the sunset.

Just finished up new brake pads front & rear, Mich commander II front, front wheel bearings, new TPS, reset ISCV n TPS, clean n oil RamAir filter........ Uh, now talking myself into putting ugly ole big windshield back on so Laura doesn’t blow off the back
I hafta admit I’ve been so busy I haven’t been riding much this year n especially lately. Better go do some miles this weekend..... crap I still have too much other stuff to get done. I really need this break!!!!!
After having a few beers last night and working two weeks straight with a lot of overtime we slept all day long. Woke up at 6:00 PM. Tomorrow is going to be one busy day. Need a oil change and good wash and wax. Other than that were ready.
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left snyder texas tues. night 6 pm home @3 am on to pheonix @ 7AM thurs. morn. onto home sat. morn.@9 am sunday to get honey doos done and me to get ready mon.,tues.,wed.,thurs. bop,well control school hopefully leave for leakey thurs. afternoon in leakey friday morning around 9ish? still dont know if I am leaving leakey mon or tues. if I am going to midland,fort stockton or home will find that out mon. morning,oifield life changes often be ready for it I will be there just dont know when or what shape i will be in the first day.aint figured out if I work overtime or before time?