Anyone interested in doing Three Sisters this year?

The deer rut is on like donkey kong!
They are every where - we are seeing many vehicles coming into our collision repair shop with deer hits
Also they will be all over the areas we will be riding once down there - So be careful getting there & while there!!!!!!
Got the weekend off after doing a lot of overtime the last two weeks. Need to do a oil change and a quick over all check of the bike. Good wash job and wax included. Ride out should be dry which will be nice. Really excited about this. It has been a long time since I have made a run. Got to thinking about it and it has been over 20 years since i got on a bike and did anything like this. Meeting up with you all vice just sharing on the internet is something i look forward to. Never traveled that far into Texas before either so that should be interesting. Been down HWY 75 before to buy the bike down in Ft Worth. So to change things up a bit plan on traveling to OKC and then head south on HWY 277. Not use to riding big city's and have no desire. Would rather ride a extra hour than deal with FT Worth again. Funny I grew up in Southern Calif. riding 4 lane highways daily and now if it ain't two lanes I get nervous. Deer in rut I can deal with but fruitcakes in cars that's a ballgame I do not know how to play. Go figure. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: