Anyone interested in doing Three Sisters this year?

Yes I'm planning on stopping in Houston. Thanks!

Not sure on the route, I was just following @R3Tex . We took I-10 most of the way, and jumped on the back roads somewhere around San Antonio.
Yes I'm planning on stopping in Houston. Thanks!

Not sure on the route, I was just following @R3Tex . We took I-10 most of the way, and jumped on the back roads somewhere around San Antonio.

This is the same route until are a few miles from San Antonio. Then you go north on 46 to New Braunfels and then west to Bandera, Medina, to 377 to Leakey. Much better than I 10 to 90 west. You have my physical address. See you in a few days. We'll at what time he is leaving and try to hook up. He'll let us know.
Sounds great. See you Tuesday evening.
I guess I'll have to pick up some boudin on the way through Lafayette.

If you haven't tried it yet, swing up 90 into Broussard and try Chop's >>> Chops Specialty Meats | Broussard, LA

This became the go to place for my wife's family, when they they were relocated to Houston after Katrina, when driving back and forth to New Orleans.
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Just 3 days to go!
I'm outta here on the 2nd!