stand up straight and grab the world by the a$$
glad i found this, same thing happened yesterday at 160 miles. pulled in clutch, engine died and red oil light came on.
THE ENGINE LIght always come on when the engine dies.
there fore the engine light is not a problem it is doing what it is suppose to do. the problem is the engine dying. its probably because the tps or the stepper motor is not adjusted right. mine has 30000 miles on it and has acted up a couple of times i have just sprayed the linkages good with wd40 and worked them a few times and then it worked great.
not all dealers have mechanics that knows how to set the r3 if u have tried the dealer and it did not help then i think that your best bet is to find a mechanic that can set the tps and the stepper motor or get the cable for the tune ecu and download the free tunecu and then the experts on here can help u.