Anyone go to the Darkside?

Good comment. pros on a CT was loved the way it handled on the highway. Turns and such not bad either. Cons and the reason i will never go back to a CT is the road rut left by large commercial vehicles. You fall into that groove on the highway and the back wobbles. At high speeds it is scary. Plus i live down a dirt road with a very steep and rough drive way. The CT on a rough dirt road is no fun and the drive way was tricky to say the least. The roads here in rural Oklahoma are not the best and even the road leading to town is filled with low spots and high spots which with the CT was a nightmare. With the Cobra Chromes I have no issues at all. Did have a set of the regular Avon's and did not care a lot for them. Ran the Exedra max and yes it is a good back tire. The Avon Chromes in my opinion handle better due to the fact that your riding both front and back with matching tread design.The running of a 140 front is a good idea but just my opinion again kind of robs the stably and comfort while riding a highway. Everybody has their own way of riding. For me i ride everyday with well over 115 mile commute back and forth to work. Under every condition you can imagine. Extreme cold to extreme heat. Can say the two days of spring weather here in Oklahoma is nice Seriously over all for me the Cobra Chromes meet and exceed my style of riding. Yes I brag a lot about riding and riding a lot of mileage per year. Nature of the beast. Proud of it. Treat the bike like it is everyday transportation. Because it is.
That's good to know, I live on a dirt road off a dirt road in Florida, I haven't had the Rocket down there yet but even the k12 and the blackbird you have to be real careful turning as the sand builds up in corners, though the roads are nominally limerock.

Today I had my new CT 4000 rpm in 5th gear. No problems. I see you point Sonny and you are choosing the best tyre for your individual application and easy availability of a replacement tyre. For some folks having a tyre that will roll 40K miles is very important. Here in this site we have seen the Russians use steel nailed tyres for traction. You have been so convincing about the Cobra that I might try one. You have to try my bike with the rear Michelin up front. The smaller diameter lowers the front and decreases the rake angle making the bike more willing to stay in a turn while maintaining directional stability down the straight road. If the road feels to harsh, one might just have too much air in the tyre. A few less pounds goes a long way with that.

We'll have compare and contrast in Leakey with Claviger and Da'Bull as expert consultants. We are just eight weeks away.
I am thinking of trying the dark side for my next change (in a few weeks). Planning a trip down through Tennessee and down to FL, so I am looking for the long life along with the performance. I do more level and steady commuting and it causes cupping, so I am looking to the dark side to alleviate that.

All that to ask, how do you all get your car tires mounted? Do you self install or have to find a shop willing to mount it? I don't think any of my local bike shops will install it due to liability concerns and I would be afraid of the car tire shops messing up my rims.

One other thing, I read about a few people having side-walls separate on them with the Bridgestone Run-Flat tires. This was a post with pictures on Amazon reviews. Any issues from the forum members with these tires? I like the idea of them from what I have read here and the potential to have less risk with flatting.
**** that just run the Avon Chrome Cobras. Do your own balance. 2015 Rocket X with 70,000 miles. Might have a clue.
Over 8,000 so far and still looking good front and back. Very impressed. No cupping but we balance are own.