Anyone go to the Darkside?

If YOU have tried the CT and had any bad experiences with it please let me know.
I rode at least 30k miles on one, never had a problem and after 10 minutes i forgot i was riding on a car tire, did the Dragon in NC, the Needles pass in SD , the Beartooth pass in Montana, the Pigtail in Arkansas, all of those impossible to do by the naysayers, go for it, enjoy the ride and watch this thread get to 1000 pages of back and forth discussion about car tires on motorcycles
Thank you very much cobber. Given the $350+ for R3 rear tyre (tire) in OZ, and the long runs i plan on doing, i’ll be DS’ing fairly soon (hopefully).

Finding a car or bike shop to fit the CT will be ‘interesting’ I am sure ...
What size and brand mate?
If YOU have tried the CT and had any bad experiences with it please let me know.
You asked for it. Ran the same tire as Lupe but after making a few modifications to the bike the back tire sucked. Presently running the Cobra Chromes and love it. Stock sizes but bike handles really well. The Chromes now have over 7,000 miles and still have plenty of tread left with no cupping or other ill side affects. I ride a bit 58,000 miles on a 2015 Rocket X. No excuses on riding several bikes or having a bike for years and years with no mileage. Did not buy the bike or any other bike to sit on the front pourch or in the garage waiting for fair weather. Just ride under all conditions and by far the Cobra Chromes have been the best tires to date. Daily riding and cross country hard to beat.
I appreciate your insightful input. Where I live in Eastern Tennessee I am on mountain roads more then straight. I have not tried the Cobra Chromes yet but will put one on my spare rim and give it a shot.
I researched the CT about 3 months before doing it. The people that praised it actually did it, the people that were griping about it never actually admitted to trying a car tire. They just quoted articles that were published against it.
One guy said you will never know until you try it for yourself and he was right. No more wondering or guessing for me.
Work has me in Philadelphia PA so doing a lot of riding in NJ, DE & MD to find some nice curvey roads other then entrance & exit ramps LOL.
Folks are more opinionated about this car tyre chit than political party choice.

If you have a spare and can change tyre rather easy, an Exedra Max on one rim and a CT on the other is a good set up. Rear rims are easy to come by, clean easy and take the abuse on the tyre fitter well. Traveling with a ready to roll spare... Priceless!


That is what I did, buy a spare rim and mount a bike tire on it so if I did not like the CT I could just switch rims with minimal down time.

I just don't understand why people can be SO OPINIONATED on something they themselves never tried and have no experience with first hand.
I can read and quote articles all day long for and against it but wanted first hand input.
They should just stick to the finger paints, stop eating the glue and let the grown ups talk.

Oooo JJ you are going to get it from the CT nayers or used-it-once and did not like it. It's all about application. You use slicks on the track and knobbies off road. You don't take a dragster to the road track. If you are going to drag pegs and knees on open road and you crash, go ahead and blame the tyre. The theory that the tyre is going to fly off the rim is bogus. Wait and see how easy the CT comes off that MC rim when you get tyred of it well before the meat is done, HaHaHa. To the sudden blowout theorist I say, if your tyres are 10 years old and you run them with low tyre pressure, overloaded that might happen. It has happened to me. My fault, not Michelin's. I know of far more catastrophes caused by fairly new or even new MC tyre blow outs.

The main impeder/offender here are the lawyers. Crash happens and here they come like vultures. Where there is a crash there is cash. Call W&W& Associates we can the sqweezze cash out of asphalt. Hahaha.

OK JJ if that does not get someone juices going the matter has been settled and they just got tyred. Ride on far brother, no flats.