Any Tricks to Removing Locked Fuel Cap?

2007 triumph classic tourer


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Well this is a late reply but might help someone
If i had to remove that cap i would. Take a die grinder and cut a slot at the rear of the cap then take a butter knife cut off a couple of inches and sharpen and then with hammer cut the plastic hinge the of the cap
So maybe the 1st step is finding a replacment cap and they are not easy to find without buying a used tank. Last I looked this year a used cap was $400.. so maybe if you can find a deal on the cap or wait 6 to 9 months for triumph to order get one for you. When I had some parts sourced though triumph it was a 5 month back order and usually those mean it's not getting ordered.
This thread is asinine because of all the bad advice destructive attacks that either render the tank destroyed or risk of death by fire.
Have you seen that video of some asshat drilling out a tank and it exploded because of the fumes that got to the sparks on the brushes of the drill?
A die grinder... lol for the hassle learn to pick the lock or hire somone to.
OP just ordered keys for it I think so if they fit... then awesome. But it's a month wait.

Edit: as of this reply I could not find any on ebay on a tank or alone. There are cheap knockoffs that look similar but might not be right.
Chances are these fuel caps are not triump specific parts and that the design is used across many platforms.
So anyone suggesting damaging the lock means that the bike is unable to be ridden for the foreseeable future.
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Personally I don't think this thread is asinine at all. People have the right to suggest any way to solve a problem. Some are good... some not so good. Some, like you, may point out some better ways, but it usually is given with a degree of grace. Coming down hard on people providing ideas often shuts them down altogether. When I was in charge of the department providing maintenance on mobile equipment at a major Canadian Mine, we often brain stormed for ideas to solve problems. The main rule... "There were no dumb ideas!!!" Appreciate your catch on the die grinder. Frankly, I might have contributed the same thing in my zeal to help... Don't shut the girls and guys down.
other than destroying something so its never able to be used when there are a dozen better ideas that not only cost 400% less but are also available ... this thread is fine, If you know you have a bad idea or just simply do NOT know or have past experience with or an applicable good idea... then the bad idea posts are asinine and while they have every right to post them, so do i, they have every right to be shot down as a bad idea usually is. Im not calling anyone out as bad... just the idea... these threads are great, these forums are awesome, but if any of these bad ideas are trolls or not, there is a duty to those who know better to say so. A for effort for everyone help and some times its a good chuckle, but my "friend" mr 4 fingers can attest to why a brute force attack with something that sparks or can make sparks is a deadly idea and should be shot down IMMEDIATELY. Some poor uneducated person might say.. just take a grinder to it and cut it off... then some other person might do that and literally be killed... so forgive me for calling out ideas that are truly terrible... the person might not know better but if they do not, they they should honestly not help unless that bad idea is reasurched by youtubeing fuel tank explodes from idiot with a die grinder.
this is also the internet and people have a hard time not taking things so serious!