The women down here tend to have less body hair than the nothern women:D

Is that statement gleaned from experience or conjecture? Besides, what does female hair have to do with riding. She's driving the car. I hope you have some hair left...............

I've personally not much anymore.

On another note, we've been looking at property around Austin. Wonder if my Kubota's will be accepted there?

The parking pass allows you to park on the Strand also the next street over tords the water. They have also set aside parking lots for pass holders. Other wise you have to pay 10-15$ to park in a lot or drive areound till you find some were on the streets. Also you can get in to were it is blocked off on the sea wall.
You can get the pass on line for 10$ and it's good all weekend.

I have not blowen any fuses.
Now that I have said that I just got done putting LED's on last weekend so I hope I don't start blowing fuse's now.:(
Is that statement gleaned from experience or conjecture? Besides, what does female hair have to do with riding. She's driving the car. I hope you have some hair left...............

I've personally not much anymore.

On another note, we've been looking at property around Austin. Wonder if my Kubota's will be accepted there?
cold weather..body hair....warmth....never mind, conjecture at it's worst. I need to keep in mind all of the unemployed comedians. You and your Kubota are more than welcome. When I managed a small ranch I drove a kubota and loved it, you could charge the gates of hell with that thing. As for the hair I'm follicular challenged.
I'm not unemployed. I'm gainfully retired. I have a nice teaching job and I get to make cheap bling. What a life..... Amy loves the Austin Area, she was there on gummit business. So do I. We've been looking at ranches in the 300-400 acre range. Your rainfall and growing capabilities are less than here so you just compensate with more acreage. There are quite a few properties around the Austin area that we are looking at.

Besides, then I could experience 'Texas cold'.......right.

I take it that I can leave, or should I say sell certain implements before moving from this state like the big 85" snowblower?

Michigan won't miss us other than another family less to pay their ****ed taxes and I won't miss the socialist governor either....but that's neither here nor there.

cold weather..body hair....warmth....never mind, conjecture at it's worst. I need to keep in mind all of the unemployed comedians. You and your Kubota are more than welcome. When I managed a small ranch I drove a kubota and loved it, you could charge the gates of hell with that thing. As for the hair I'm follicular challenged.

And here I thought we were just bald:rolleyes:
I'm not unemployed. I'm gainfully retired. I have a nice teaching job and I get to make cheap bling. What a life..... Amy loves the Austin Area, she was there on gummit business. So do I. We've been looking at ranches in the 300-400 acre range. Your rainfall and growing capabilities are less than here so you just compensate with more acreage. There are quite a few properties around the Austin area that we are looking at.

Besides, then I could experience 'Texas cold'.......right.

I take it that I can leave, or should I say sell certain implements before moving from this state like the big 85" snowblower?

Michigan won't miss us other than another family less to pay their ****ed taxes and I won't miss the socialist governor either....but that's neither here nor there.
We certainly don't get "Michigan" cold, but I think that it gets cold enough to make you think twice before riding. And yes, sell your snow blower nobody down here would know what the hell it is.
I believe I have seen you around. I drive thescorched yellow rocket. I belive I've passed you on 2094. Well I will be down there all weekend, I just got my parking pass yesterday in the mail. I am also considerng doing one of the pocker runs.

2094 is one of my favorite rides. Usually take 288 down to Angleton and 2094 back up to 146.

Thanks for the PM. I'll give you a ring when we get down there. Usually a bunch of us from work go down Sat morning and cruise for a parking spot along the street. Got the Beetle Bags on yesterday. They look great!

- - Eric
have you had any issues with your classic that involve electrical systems.i/e speedo and/or running lights? mine keeps blowing 5 amp fuse on tail lamp circuit.


At the risk of jinxing the bike, I'm lucky to have not blown any fuses. Only time I've had the tank up is to install the power lead for my GPS mount. I've read a couple of posts about folks getting blown fuses after replacing bulbs on the running lights. Apparently, it's easy to get one of the contacts bent and then the socket shorts out. Maybe worth a look. Also check the wiring harness to the tail lamps. It's under the fender and may have gotten nicked by road debris, etc. Good luck.