Any Texans

Let me know.

Come on the RAT doesn't compare to the Lone Star Rally. I'm in Leauge city so If anyone needs a place to crask oops I'm mean to sleep let me know.
Good fellow you chould have bought ot from gulf caost they give loaners to there customers. I take my rocket in they give me a rocket till it's done.
Yes, GulfCoast treated us right when my wife bought her Trophy there. They slid me right in to get a rear tire installed and gave us a V-Rod to run around on until it was done. I can now say.. the V-Rod is no Rocket.. nice bike, great at high RPMs, but the low end is definitely lacking..

now you're getting me depressed with clarified hindsight. after all said and done i might need to reconsider my service provider. i am going to verify statements rendered to me by svc.manager with tune boy diagnostics tool. let's see where the truth really is...
gonna call and see how everything is going later on this afternoon. i'm bringing my baby home this weekend regardless.o.k.- it's later bye time,so adios fer now.

Planning on being at the Lone Star Rally again this year. Looking forward to meeting other Texas Rocket captains. Paul, I'm just up the road in Seabrook.

Mine is a Red and Black '06 classic. Should have my Beetle Bags by then also! Got my Bike at Gulf Coast BMW June 2006. Never got a loaner for service. I'll have to try that next time. They have always taken care of me though. They should. My 10,000 mile checkup last month was $714!. 4 hours of labor for the 10K checkup and 3 hours for the valve clearance check. They had to put in 8 shims. Parts list shows a gasket for the tensioner, so I think they tightened the cam chain as well. Also had the oil change, fuel cap recall, and ECU remap recall done as well. A little concerned the valves took that much adjustment at only 6800 miles.

Bike is quieter and has more power. Vibration at 3000 RPM is still there, but much quieter now. It has a better growl at 4000-5000. OK, off topic a little. Sorry.

See you at the rally. Watch the trolley tracks on the Strand!

I believe I have seen you around. I drive thescorched yellow rocket. I belive I've passed you on 2094. Well I will be down there all weekend, I just got my parking pass yesterday in the mail. I am also considerng doing one of the pocker runs.
have you had any issues with your classic that involve electrical systems.i/e speedo and/or running lights? mine keeps blowing 5 amp fuse on tail lamp circuit.
