Any older cold blooded Rockets other than mine?

Had my battery on a tender, did not started it for 2 months, now it refuses to start, it turns maybe half a turn and it stops, sometimes it just clicks.
I went ahead and bought a new AGM battery, connected it and it does the same. I always have this issue in the cold weather but this time is abusing the privilege.
Am i the only one? o_O
Only thing I could advise is start from the beginning .check all grounds ( clean & retighten ) remove starter clean and lightly sand all faces that come in contact to the engine ( clean studs and bolts to metal . Do not put loctite on bolts or nut ,use lock washers only ) Once you've got this done & if it still doesn't turnover properly then you start electrical dignos .
Always had this trouble with mine ,cold weather or not using for a time no start. Tried the extra relay ,extra earth wire brand new battery same result .Solved my problem with a Noco booster ,works every time. I Know that there is a drain down of the oil in the tank when the bike has'nt been used for a while and think that might draw a lot of power if the crankshaft is trying to turn with the extra drag of excess oil in the sump. Once she's started an warmed up, starts every time after that. When the weather warms up no problems starting.