AntiLaser Priority on an R3


Aspiring Student
Jul 25, 2014
Olympia Washington
'21 Z H2, '14 R3R, '02 Daytona 955i
Anyone out there already installed one on their R3? I recent found out that Hawaii Cops exclusively use Laser detection, no radar, and the antilaser is not forbidden here on island.

They make a motorcycle specific model.

Wondering if anyone has done this up on an R3 yet, if so, how did you tackle being alerted? I'm thinking a big bright Blue LED between the gauges should get my attention when it's going off pretty well.


AL Priority with MOTO Control Unit for Motorcycle

PS: Slow down, look around you better, dont ride like an asshat, look older so they don't ticket you... these answers belong on HD boards not R3 boards.
Yeah, get one of those old Kmart "Blue light special" beacons...that'll give you plenty of warning. Of course, then you'll probably get a ticket for impersonating a mc cop, so scrap that idea. Like Steel said, out run 'em
Exactly what I was looking for. Do you like it, is it clearly visible while riding at "extra legal" speeds?
I've used it for several years, both with a V1 and the Passport. Its effectiveness will depend on where its mounted relative to your line of sight. My Passport is on a Ram Mount and the module sits on top of the Passport. That puts it about 8" above the handlebar cross section. This is on an R3T which means I probably have a bit more upright seating position than the R3R.

Without a windshield I'm guessing your mounting options may be a bit more limited than mine.
I have a perfect spot for the light. The Jammer goes under the seat in the airbox/storage box, and sensor/emitter under the headlight. Then plan on using the brackets that hold my angry fly screen to fab up a mount for the LED indicator so its facing directly at my eyes, about 6-8" above the level of the bars, but hidden from view completely.

Really excited about fabbing this up lol.