Another rider Gone

How do get this diplomatic immunity in this country. I’d love to fly by the state patrol doing 130+ and give him the middle finger.
Agreed. Not calling for the guillotine (not yet) just answering to them
When I was 17 in England on a family trip I got to drive the rental car because my mom couldn't adapt to driving on the other side, I was brand new at driving, so I had no ingrained habits, seem as natural as the other side.
@Dr.D get a busa turbo.
I was trying to find the ghost rider video where he gives the cop the finger, might be taken down, might be on here.
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Cool but I don’t have the balls.
Amazing how some folks are so ready to be judge, jury, and execution with little information, and living in a glass house.

Seek first to understand.
judge,jury,executioner?cant find the right word to call her without being kicked off but she (and you)are WRONG she caused a fatal accident (agree?)she left the country to avoid the consequences(agree?)she should be hung by reason of no thought for the other family taking their kid away,be amazed at me because I am one those you speak of
Could be this one I am about to watch. Ghost Rider Uppsala Run
68 km from Stockholm to Uppsala in under 15 minutes = 272 kmh average!

What a Wally - where is a tractor or blown truck tire rubber on the verge when you need one! This is truly mind blowing disregard for others.

I like having fun like most of us but I do not risk every other person on the road in the process.

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Have mercy I could not listen to that screaming little motor for 15 minutes.