Another rider Gone

Perhaps I have a more forgiving understanding, living for going on three decades around Washington, D.C., with a steady diet of Americans harmed by folks driving diplomatic plates and quickly out of reach. One may argue all one wants about a given case. The practices here have been shown over time to preserve better relations.
Historically, US citizens fare exceedingly poorly in foreign courts. And there have been cases where the shoe was on the other foot. This is established practice for the greater good. Tragic, yes. And no one is getting away with anything.
YOU CAN HARDLY SUGGEST THE UK DOES NOT HAVE AN INDEPENDENT AND FREE LEGAL SYSTEM as a reason she should not face investigation. She initially was interviewed by police, was not charged and suggested she had no intention to leave the UK - then bolted. She is a scumbag.

Australian diplomats do not get protection for crimes committed in another country. They face the music.
Under the diplomatic convention it is up to the diplomat's country to claim immunity, it is not automatic.

Tinpot countries claim it for everything they can, even stuff not covered by the convention despite it not existing under international law for minor traffic offences etc

The fault lies directly with the State Department for providing protection for a plainly civil offense.
Just another sign of a country in international decline.

None of it makes it right, there should be NO diplomatic immunity, if 'better relations' rely on non accountability then **** 'em!

The diplomats wife should be made accountable for ending this young mans or I would be
That is the real "sentence". Put us all in those shoes, and where would we be emotionally ? What's done is done - can't bring them back.

She still needs to be held to account, she would probably only be prosecuted for driving without due care and attention but no matter, if it was someone close to me I'm sure I wouldn't be saying 'ah well, she probably can't live with herself' I guarantee you that.
Sure glad Simon Wiesenthal did not have that way of thinking.
Kinda like the same people that say never forget re 9/11 also tend to say blacks and native Americans should get over it because it was a long time ago. Never is kind of a long time, eh?

That’ll be a comfort to the lads parents!