Another rider Gone

I have a hard time trying to understand why anyone would stand up for the woman??????? I must be missing something,
Kill a person and flee the country
Leave a whole family devastated especially when the dead kid's mother said she only wanted to talk to her
She must know or she just does not care what the public at large or even her own kids will think of her?? as I said it is hard for me to understand
Nothing personal Paul but DI was not brought into law for this.
The mother has to live with what she has done, overall just a different mindset separated by a big pond. BTW will you make WV?
I don't know why we are still talking about this. People all over the world are killed every day in traffic accidents. The majority of those are caused by somebody not paying attention or driving stupidly. They don't all get charged and go to jail. Lawyers get them off or the investigation is inconclusive. I'm sure most of the people who kill someone else in an accident do not go find the parents of that person and apologize. Yes it was a terrible tragedy, but just one of thousands...

I agree with you up to a point but to me what this lady did is akin to a fatal HIT AND RUN and that's the kind of behavior that is inexcusable and angers everyone.