Another one bites the dust???

@1olbull, the old Triumph dealer, Ma's Cycles, was a wonderful place. My Dad said it was like a dealership in the 60s, they all knew your name and were willing to stand around and BS for hours. Great service department too. Legendary bought them out and it did change some. Still great people but a little less of that BS all day attitude. I am very curious as to what caused them to close. They had lost Indian, but picked up Polaris; I can't imagine Polaris not selling well.

I have never been to Montana so maybe a trip there is warranted. Never been to Moon either, but I know I will be at some point now. Maybe a long daytrip or take the wife on an overnight and find a nice slow road back.
I have never been to Montana so maybe a trip there is warranted.
Heck yeah it's warranted!

Certainly is a long haul though. The first couple hours into eastern Montana aren't much different from ND… west of you is about seven hours at interstate speeds of all the same scenery. :whitstling: Eastern MT has a certain appeal, but things really pick up from Bozeman to Butte and on… only about 13 hours from you. :D

Oh yeah, and for those first 6-7 hours you'll probably be riding with a 20° lean against a constant crosswind. I'm really selling it, eh?

Worth it though! Even after living here several years, it's normal to go for an evening ride, see the mountains at sunset and find myself saying out loud… HOLY ****! It never gets old.
Heck yeah it's warranted!

Certainly is a long haul though. The first couple hours into eastern Montana aren't much different from ND… west of you is about seven hours at interstate speeds of all the same scenery. :whitstling: Eastern MT has a certain appeal, but things really pick up from Bozeman to Butte and on… only about 13 hours from you. :D

Oh yeah, and for those first 6-7 hours you'll probably be riding with a 20° lean against a constant crosswind. I'm really selling it, eh?

Worth it though! Even after living here several years, it's normal to go for an evening ride, see the mountains at sunset and find myself saying out loud… HOLY ****! It never gets old.

Ha! You speak as if there is no wind here!! It is far easier for us to count the days with no wind than it is to count the windy days. The best is that with the Rocket, my wife, and a trailer full of our **** the wind no longer scares me! I scoff in its general direction and keep on keepin' on!!

We once drove through Eastern Colorado and I thought I was in Mordor (from The Lord of the Rings). Very little to see but snakes and dead grass. Kinda like ND except hills and snakes.

Once the kids are old enough to tend themselves we shall get more road time.
Im kinda in the same boat. 3-5 hrs of riding before you get to something other than flat and sraight. So if your straight and flat roads are your only option then high speeds help it go quickly. And you get to do it on a motorcycle.
Yes for D I Y . My closest dealership is more than 7 hrs of riding away. How ever with the U Tubes I tackle most jobs. And thanks to this site for encouraging me and giving out ideas. A big thanks to everyone.
I'm with you. I've only recently gotten my R3R and finding this site so quickly is one of the luckiest things that's happened to me. Any minor question, complaint, comment or quibble is almost immediately (and helpfully) answered. Thanks guys!
Im kinda in the same boat. 3-5 hrs of riding before you get to something other than flat and sraight. So if your straight and flat roads are your only option then high speeds help it go quickly. And you get to do it on a motorcycle.

Yes, I can run quite hot and shorten things up the time a bit, but I am rather terrified of speeding tickets. North Dakota isn't bad, I think anything up to 100mph is about $30 (not really, but we have low fines here) where as Minnesota will ask you to fund a well fare recipient for a year for a parking violation - honestly, fines in Minnesota are ridiculous. South Dakota isn't much better - I have never received a violation there but a friends parents live in Rapid City and have warned me to not speed as the fines are high.

So speed limits are observed and followed. I do, however, sometimes reach the speed limit 10 feet from the light/stop sign! There is no acceleration limit anywhere that I am aware of!!
I think there are regional changes going on, but will also admit that the MC industry overall is soft right now. But those dealers catering to the young and women seem to be doing the best. Us old guys may be able to write big checks, but we don't do it very often. Can't live off that.
As far as Legendary, how many bikes did they sell between say, October and the end of March? With your weather patterns, me thinks not many, and you can't go half a year without steady sales, no matter how good you are.

Down here, in my main city of Chattanooga just 20 miles West of me, there are at least six major motorcycle dealers that I can think of right off the bat, and at least two additional used bike dealers, all doing well. We have three more dealers in my home town of Cleveland, a Yamaha dealer who also sells all their water products, and a used bike dealer who also has a pretty good garage going, plus a smaller dealer who specializes in tires, helmets, and other often bought things, and sells used bikes, but not a big dealer.

Like I said in my intro post, the Wednesday afternoon of a work week that my wife and I walked into Pandora's to find my Rocket, they were so busy I couldn't even get a sales person for the first 20 minutes. Following Saturday when I picked it up, same thing save they had tents up.

Our Indian dealer is doing very well, and just added the Motus line out of Alabama, which they have already sold a few. (Which I find amazing, considering the price)

Our HD dealer was really bad, Thunder Creek, and went under only to be bought up immediately by an outfit calling themselves White Lightning. I have not been in there, but I hear they are really catering to the young rider.

So huge difference between the Dakotas, where you can ride maybe half the year, most of Tennessee, where you can ride year round.