Another Aussie Captain.......

Welcome Torque 59 from WA . . .
State that is.
$hit! There sure be a lot of Aussies around here!
There are indeed Rockets in the US.
stuff the blues, no not really ,I suppose eight years in a row for us mighty Queenslanders is a pretty good effort and I don't want your supporters to start losing interest in the greatest game of footy known to us Aussies

I have to crow when I get a chance ,We have eaten humble pie so many times, forgive me for getting a little excited ,all good fun and State Of Origin is the greatest Game of all, no argument there ,
Ken I've watched all one hundred games and I know how you feel ,make the most of it as there is still two games to go, sorry mate QUEENSLANDER just couldn't help meself
Hey Torque (guessing that's not your real name) have a squiz at RDU thread .. November 17th in Victoria is the place to be if you're wanting to be with the 'in crowd '
Shoot! I thought the RDU Melbourne is in October , or is something else I want to be one of the "in" crowd for the first time in my life .
Shoot! I thought the RDU Melbourne is in October , or is something else I want to be one of the "in" crowd for the first time in my life .
Yeah... Maybe TC is more than 2 hours behind
Just Sh!tn ya mate...

The Rugby League State of Origin is the biggest most brutal game of Football you will ever see, NSW against Qld as they say Mate against Mate, State Against State ,a knock down drag out 3 games each year ,no helmets or body armour ,if you ever get to see a match live you will be converted. Qld have a champion team that have won the shield eight years in a row and us NSW fans are hoping for a change , love ever minute of it, I have been to every Sydney Game and a few in QLD.