Another Aussie Captain.......

Hey Torque (guessing that's not your real name) have a squiz at RDU thread .. October 17th in Victoria is the place to be if you're wanting to be with the 'in crowd ' :thumbsup: then a quick lap around Tassie.
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Hello All,
I have finally done it. I picked up my new 2014 R3R yesterday. It is an ex demo model with 700km on the clock.
It is matt black with the white racing stripe.
What an awesome machine, haven't had a chance to ride it , apart from riding it home from the dealers.
But what a bike , everything and more that you all have described.

Hopefully you will be hearing more from me, ( I think that might be a good thing ):D
Welcome old mate, i myself am also a new Roadster owner , this Sunday there's a few of us from SE Qld planning to meet at the BP at Coomera on Sunday morning at 9 them leave at 10 to head down to Cooly rocks , your most welcome to join us.
About time we got another Aussie on here......:rolleyes:
There's a few of the Brissy boys you need to be wary of. Drop me a line and I'll give you a list of the rotten apples. :roll: