Another Aussie Captain.......

Hey Torque (guessing that's not your real name) have a squiz at RDU thread .. October 17th in Victoria is the place to be if you're wanting to be with the 'in crowd ' then a quick lap around Tassie.
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Welcome old mate, i myself am also a new Roadster owner , this Sunday there's a few of us from SE Qld planning to meet at the BP at Coomera on Sunday morning at 9 them leave at 10 to head down to Cooly rocks , your most welcome to join us.
About time we got another Aussie on here......
There's a few of the Brissy boys you need to be wary of. Drop me a line and I'll give you a list of the rotten apples.
About time we got another Aussie on here......
There's a few of the Brissy boys you need to be wary of. Drop me a line and I'll give you a list of the rotten apples.
Now be nice Richard ,the hard ass guy has gone west ,the rest of us are just mild mannered everyday easy going motor cycle enthusiasts