Annoying Rattle

I'm getting an annoying rattle at about 3,000 RPM. It's somewhere in front of and below me. Having a hard time finding it because it doesn't really want to do it just revving the motor in neutral. It's very obvious in 1st or 2nd gear though but is hard to hear at 3rd gear or beyond. Anybody else fought a rattle on a 2.5L?
Had a similar rattle around 3k and it ended up being the heat shield where the muffler meets the header. That shield has tabs that insert into rubber grommets
to keep them isolated from metal to metal contact.. Factory just slapped it on, and the rubber grommets werent isolating anything. Took the shield off, and bingo
the rattle was gone. When reinstalling it, i made sure those tabs were inserted into the grommets correctly.. Sound/rattle gone.!
Found my rattle. Pulled the front fender, put some gorilla tape on the tabs and put it back on. No more noise when I tapped it. Unfortunately when I went for a ride to check it out, the rattle was still there. Started doing some 30mph motorcycle yoga reaching around and grabbing everything I could. Turns out my rattle was the headlight assembly. Pulled over and gave it a good wiggle and shake, no more rattle!

Not a permanent cure I'm sure but at least when it comes back I know where to look!
Did you ever figure a solution out in your headlight assembly? I think that may be where my rattle is coming from.
Did you ever figure a solution out in your headlight assembly? I think that may be where my rattle is coming from.
I mentioned it to the dealer when I had the bike in for some service and they fixed it for me. Not sure what they did. Probably just pulled the rings off and put some tape in there.
The annoying rattle saga continues, i noticed over time that it seemed be getting louder to the point other people were noticing, so i took the front fender off and found the rattle, the piece on the left and right fender mount that the tabs of the front fender fit into were both broken off, which explained a lot, am i the only one to have this happen, or has anyone seen this on their bike as well. I have the extended warranty, seemed like a good idea at the time since this was a new production run, but i'm betting they turn around tell me that I did it and probably won't cover it, but we will soon see.


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Man, that's a bumm.r. That's what we get for driving on our super smooth roadways here in Ontario... Can't see why they wouldn't give you warranty. I wonder why those would snap. First time I've seen anyone post that particular failure. Good luck with the repair....
Strengthening & stiffening the rear part of the front fender is on my winter project list.
There's way too much flex in the fender, which is in part due to those tangs.
The problem is exacerbated when a fender extender is fitted.
The extra mass of the extender adds a lot more 'slap' when the front tyre is hitting the bumps in the road.