Living Legend
If there was a leak through any of the ports, the pressure would be HIGHER not lower. (lower number means 'better' vacuum) i.e. #2 is pulling LESS air than 1 or 3.
The numbers don't so much suggest leaks, just very poor balance (or lack of)
Now that you mention that, they probably were not far off. I was just balancing them while doing the 30,000 service - When I pulled the factory intake plumbing i accidentally pulled off a vacuum line from Throttle bodies..... I couldn't get them to balance, all it would do when turning the adjuster screws was affect the engine idle up or down - I knew that was wrong & started looking for a problem & found the vac line off. So at least now I know that a vac line being off will keep you from being able to balance the t/b's

Thanks for clarifying my Alzheimer's though............