And here she is!!!!


I was thinking of changing over to the Indian but I liked the triple engine too much

Love that black colour it looks awesome in the flesh
keep the triple and add the Native American
But can you darkside it yet?
will find out today, somebody has one in town and was going to dark side it today, if they did not shut down the tire shops, we are down to essencials since yesterday
Just basic stuff like, payday is on friday, chit runs downhill and don't lick your fingers, pretty simple
You forgot - Aiiiiieee Chihuahua, eessa goin to bee espenseeve amigo, But eef you paiiee cash - I can do eet fast.

Nice bike Lupe.
Reactions: idk
I remember it wasn't too long ago Scot in exile came on here starting a thread trying to get us to give money to help you keep your Rocket..I was ready to donate..was that a joke or was it a scam? can't trust anybody anymore..

btw, congrats on your new Indian..hope you have many happy miles..
It was not a joke or a scam, it was a missunderstanding.
I posted 3 of my bikes for sale since i had them for long time and i was bored with them, i wanted newer ones, Dave thought i was in trouble and posted that thread, i told everybody i was fine and not to send any money.
as far as trusting people, half of this forum has been at my house and spend 3 or 4 days here, i have let more than one member of this forum ride one of my bikes for a 3000 mile round trip, a few members of this forum have put me and my family up for the night and even get up and cook a delicious brakefast for us, or giving us bigger bags because our luggage did not fit on the ones we had, i could go on and on, and i am 100% sure that all of us will do it allover again. How is that for trust?
Its the base, i did the math and could not justifie stability control and gps plus a few chrome pieced for an extra 8,000
Agree 100%. What gets me is the black dark horse IMO looks like the cut rate model, the base is a third cheaper and looks better equipped. Indian's pricing on these is strange.
Enjoy and report back, please.