An R+D Thread - Different instruments.

Tried a shoot in less bright light - and it was actually worse. So I will try and "lash" the thungamie to the Guzzi.
I am surprised though how much easier it is (with these old eyes) to see that Digital speedo.
Okey Dokey. I had to do some other stuff to the R3 today which meant unbolting the instruments and rummaging under the tank - so was able to offer up some instruments I have lying about. More for size reference than real options.

This is a 48mm Koso Water Temp Gauge - But there are 48/49mm speedos etc available - Koso and MotoGadget amongst others.
This is a 55mm Koso Speedo. It has a Black 60mm sleeve for adapting to an old Guzzi (maybe). But there are 64mm Koso and 60mm Daytona clocks.
Chinese Cheepo thing that is identical to Koso RX2N - This I could NOT simply bolt on without making up some sort of plinth - and I ran out of time. The dial is almost identical in diameter to the Triumph speedo/tacho. I like it - If I had to fit aftermarket clocks - I would get a White Faced Koso

I still have more things to do under the tank - but I have managed to make a standalone quick-detach (+/-/switched +) harness to allow maybe some mobile testing.

For those wondering about the thingie up inside the sports-screen - It's a shift light, wired to run as a GPS speedo - This is about to get updated - hence the rummaging about.

@numbnuts57 @drctjcp @scot in exile
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Oh - And this is another reason why I would recommend a Koso rather than the Chinese one.

The cables on the KOSO are longer and FAR less bulky. And I should point out that the Chinese thing is 6 cables lighter than original.
The black box on the left side of the Chinese connector blocks is the GPS Speed sensor.
Maybe these Koso models would be of interest to those looking for more traditional Speedo/tach pair (personally not fond of the plastic looking RX2N)

TNT-01 Multifunction meter - Koso North America

TNT-01R Tachometer - 8 000 RPM for Metric Motorcycles - Koso North America


KOSO CRB01S/TNT-01S Speedometer 140MPH/KPH -

KOSO TNT 8K Tachometer -

For about the same money you can also get the Daytona Velona Gauges (which I personally think are better looking)

Daytona Velona 80mm 140 Multifunction Gauge -

Daytona Velona 80mm 9K Multifunction Gauge -

Note that with the Velonas you don't actually NEED both gauges - each one features both MPH (or kph) plus RPM, with the difference being which one has the needle scale.
So you can get away with single if you want the minimalist look (or budget constraint)
Both have the same idiot lights, if going with the pair you would just choose one or the other for which one to display (they are not that prominent when off)
I've recently been working on a BMW K75 for local who had lot of electrical questions/issues with his Build

He was using an Acewell Multi-function gauge - nice quality piece of gear

ACE-2000 sereis Multi-Function Speedometer, Digital LCD Display, Refinement and Classic.

Now having said that this particular unit was non-functional - but I think that was due to some wiring issues before I came on the scene (there were several other electronic parts that had gone up in smoke)
Have to say Acewell support in Germany* were absolutely first-class!
After dialogging via several e-mails and Q&A responses, where I provided supporting data including video and scope traces, they agreed unit was defective and would replace with new one.
(I get the impression they are not waiting for return to get the new one on its way)

*Dealing with Acewell Germany as the European Distributors - the product was actually sourced out of Italy as part of a much larger kit of conversion parts
I have no idea what the US variant is like regarding support (it is not Acewell directly) but have also seen testament that the UK operation is a similar class act.
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He was using an Acewell Multi-function gauge - nice quality piece of gear
My experience of Acewell's is less than positive.
They seem quite fragile and prone to failure (on Guzzis anyway), based on what I have seen. Now seen two simply stop working for no obvious reason. Support is as you say not bad - but sadly necessary.
Now if you really want 'cheap' this is it:

All over EBay and Amazon for about $30 - affectionately (sic?) known as the Chinese 12000 rpm tacho.

Can give a report on that in a few days - bought one as temporary for the Acewell till it arrives (and originally just as a diagnostic aid!)

And they must get the award for the most unique use of Chinglish in the instructions!
Best I can deduce "Electric Door Lock" (and wire is black even) is actually Switched Power!!!!
Tested the cheap-a$$ Chinese instrument today:

Using a 100kph program generator (which simulates the OEM VR Speed sender on BMW) it came out right on the money at 62 mph

Here's the tach

It actually isn't that bad!
Had to capacitively couple the Tach signal to get it looking decent .
Downsides are lack of warning lamps - no oil or anything else - just turn signals and Neutral
It does have Fuel Gauge (although think for the BMW it is going to be inverted - reading full when empty & vice-versa - nice thing about Acewell is you can select from + or - range for Fuel)
And the other issue is the Chinglish manual - although I was ultimately able to make sense of it
Downsides are lack of warning lamps - no oil or anything else - just turn signals and Neutral
And the other issue is the Chinglish manual - although I was ultimately able to make sense of it
Or maybe not - seems to have High Beam as well

Same thing with the fuel readout on the ChinOSO. And because it HAS a fuel light the bugger is always on!.

Seen the Smiths 5" Vincent speedos? Smiths Highline Vincent 5" Speedometer -