An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

Really appreciate the welcome! Lots of Aussies around, I see! I was proud to serve with you guys in Afghanistan in 2010.

@TOMCAT — stop being "The Howling 2: Your Sister's a Werewolf". :D Yep, I was "preaching to the choir"...but I was also speaking to guys like me, who did a fair bit of lurking on this very forum long before I got my bike. I wanted to see what actual riders thought of the thing, and where the problems were, so I knew what I was getting myself into.

@sleeves — I’m a bit surprised you’re not a fan of the bike’s esthetic. To each his own, I guess—but I consider it’s esthetic to be one of the best selling points!

@Mittzy — one day I hope to do a performance mod on the bike (I see many of you guys have over-bored pistons, nitrous, and/or chargers). For now, I’m not looking at a performance increase. At most, I’d try to find some exhaust shorties that will tuck up under the roadster. The big pipes on it right now look awesome, but I’m thinking if I ever do decide to put saddle-bags on the thing, its current pipes will only get in the way. Have you ever seen a shorty/saddlebag Rocket?

Also, from my original post, I’m thinking of going with a pull-behind trailer long term (so as not to change the bike’s esthetic at all). I see a lot of ball-hitch conversions, but for some reason the ball hitch concept doesn’t strike me as particularly agreeable. Does the ball hitch allow the bike to lean without issue…or am I just overthinking this?

@Boog — you wouldn’t happen to know if Skyline drive goes near any civil war battlefields, would you? There in Virginia, you guys have a lot of them…I’m hoping I can stop in a see at least one on my trip.

@Steel — dude…1100 miles is a long time in the saddle. I’m definitely looking at the Airhawk, but for the short term I think I’m going to start with simple beads.

Thanks, again, everybody for the warm welcome!
Really appreciate the welcome! Lots of Aussies around, I see! I was proud to serve with you guys in Afghanistan in 2010.

— one day I hope to do a performance mod on the bike (I see many of you guys have over-bored pistons, nitrous, and/or chargers). For now, I’m not looking at a performance increase. At most, I’d try to find some exhaust shorties that will tuck up under the roadster. The big pipes on it right now look awesome, but I’m thinking if I ever do decide to put saddle-bags on the thing, its current pipes will only get in the way. Have you ever seen a shorty/saddlebag Rocket?

Also, from my original post, I’m thinking of going with a pull-behind trailer long term (so as not to change the bike’s esthetic at all). I see a lot of ball-hitch conversions, but for some reason the ball hitch concept doesn’t strike me as particularly agreeable. Does the ball hitch allow the bike to lean without issue…or am I just overthinking this?

The stock pipes work with even the biggest bags that I've found available.

If you want to be able to really lean with a trailer, there are a few types of one wheeled trailers, or a few types of hitches that swivel like this.


Even found a ball that swivels



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one day I hope to do a performance mod on the bike (I see many of you guys have over-bored pistons, nitrous, and/or chargers).
There is no room to over-bore the cylinders, but there are lots of other options out there if you want more power - even three or four hundred horsepower if you want it. However, getting that to the road may be a problem.
@Steel Awesome photo of the bike! Are those the standard Triumph saddlebags, or from another manufacturer? What Liter size are they, do you know? The setup you have for your bike is almost exactly what I'm going for. I already have the sissy bar, which has made getting my wife on the back a breeze. She's really enjoyed getting out with me (which, as you can imagine, has made the entire endeavor far more manageable).

Also appreciate the pictures of the ball hitch setup--its much more clear in my mind now. I'll definitely look into a swivel socket for the hitch. That sounds like a pretty good way to go.
Wirey , absolutely no f#ckin idea what your Howling/ Stepsister comment was meant to mean :thumbsdown: .. told it was some B grade teen movie .
Was only having a go at you .. need a thickish skin around here mate :thumbsup:
Wirey , absolutely no f#ckin idea what your Howling/ Stepsister comment was meant to mean :thumbsdown: .. told it was some B grade teen movie .
Was only having a go at you .. need a thickish skin around here mate :thumbsup:

@TOMCAT I *know* you were just having a go...thick skin is completely's no big deal. "The Howling 2: Your Sister's a Werewolf" comment is a quote from the TV show, Psych--it's intended to make fun of that completely awful B-grade teen movie. Anyway, Psych has to be one of best TV shows ever made. If you grew up in the 80's, and haven't seen this show, you're missing out. I highly recommend it. :D