Am I the only one who loves the factory exhaust pipes?

I like the car free collector and the 3 odd pipes from standard, took the baffles out and installed the shorter baffles. It's not quiet but passes the mot. 85db from 6 feet behind.
Being an old 3 cylinder Kawasaki guy I just love the audaciousness of the F**k your symmetry look :inlove
Haha, seriously? I think you may be all alone.

The stock pipes were the first things to go on my 2016! I couldn’t believe how much those **** things weighed, 20lbs each, good lord. I replace them with the Dave Platt slip on’s. At least half the size and weight and sound like a proper British sports car.
I build a free flow header that will plug straight into your stock cross over/rear end system.
I can also supply you a free flow cross over pipe to go with this.
The stock Roadster Mufflers have the CATs in the front of them, look up a thread "Skinning the cat"
A member here cut his open and removed the CATs.

I'm not at home at present but when I get home 'll put up some photos of this set up.



Am I the only one who loves the factory exhaust pipes?

Ahhhh.....let me think....YES!
Ur not the only one lol. I've spent a fair amount of time checking out different systems on utube and the only system I've heard that I like the sound of better is the Revo. Unless I put that one on, I'll stick to the stock unit
You must have a real good sound system then to be able to tell how they sound for sure then...for what it's worth, the stock system is choking the exhaust gases, as it has to, in order to meet the emission laws. If you want your engine to relax, let it breathe.
The Tors have the same basic look but have the big throat for easy breathing.
Haha, seriously? I think you may be all alone.

The stock pipes were the first things to go on my 2016! I couldn’t believe how much those **** things weighed, 20lbs each, good lord. I replace them with the Dave Platt slip on’s. At least half the size and weight and sound like a proper British sports car.
I respect your opinion, but I have to chuckle a bit when I'm thinking your bike now weighs 795lbs. instead of 807lbs. or something like that, lol
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Those top 2 pics have my full attention for sure!! That's just what I define as "cool"!

As I said in my original post, this pipe can be set up to plug straight into your stock (or aftermarket) cross over pipe.

I have since done these headers in Chrome so it would match the Stock Heat shield/covers and Mufflers.

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