Well you know what. Don't care. The Rocket served me well. Good bike and enjoyed it. Placed 56,000 miles on it in four years. I kind of look at the comments and just smile. Its all water under the bridge. i ride period. When folks make comments about this and that it is cool. I have done my best to help others out when they have suffered issues on their bikes that i have experienced and have stayed up all night to help them even after working a 12 hour shift knowing full well was not going to get any sleep before the next shift. Sometimes i may get a bit drunk and make some off the wall comments. So what. Nature of the beast. If i wanted to be the pillar of the community i would have a pickup with a Harley sticker. Yes i enjoy very much working on my bike but when it becomes more work than riding it is time to start looking at reality and realize you have just about rode the wheels off. Would i offer the Rocket X no. 74 to a fellow Rocket rider on here for a reachable price. NO. The bike is worn out. The electrical side of the house is shot. Some of the issues i have found while trouble shooting is unbelievable. Yes to some folks it may be hard to believe but i do ride in the rain. A daily ride of 100 miles plus in Oklahoma everyday 360 days a year your going to hit a bet of weather. Do i want to ride on a few days off in the rain during a run? Not. Do i ride the twisty slow yes but believe that make me less of a experienced biker not. Been riding since i was seventeen. Only bought one car in my life for myself. The fiat. It has 70,000 after being bought new in 2013. Even for you all with your pure thoughts of yourself's you getting a theme here. The Yamaha venture may not be the fastest or even add up to Harley's at curb appeal. If i want curb appeal i'll ride the 125 S&S Fatboy. Not really into all that. Do have to say hats off to Warp Nine. He was a lot of help and to the folks across the pond in New Zealand and Australia. One of these days will take a real vacation and come visit you all. But can say to some of you all. KISS MY ASS