Alternative to Factory Panniers

@monstertorch , did you have to cut off the locking pin and or file down that part of the OEM brackets? I am still waiting for mine to rrive (severe back order), so I am waiting to see. I like what you did and may go this route as well (looking at adapting C-Bow bags), but not sure what I am seeing in that part of the bracket in the pocture. Looks like you had to file it down a bit before getting that socket cap screw in there.
Hi @Jay , It all unscrews with a combination of Allen keys and torx bits. I studied the pictures before I ordered the brackets, and took a chance. They are held in with red lock tight so I was just careful in removing them. The two upper ones are structural, so the “back” pin used to lock the factory bags on, I used a socket head Allen bolt, with a combination of a nylon lock nut on the back, and an acorn nut on the end. The acorn nut gives me something to keep the leather bag strap from sliding off the back of the bracket. On the front, I just found a round top Allen bolt that fits and was the right length. On the extendable arm (bottom on the three mounting points), I inserted a set screw to keep the threads from getting any road grime. Honestly I took the bracket into a local hardware store (after removing the stock mounting points), and matched it up for what I needed.. I bought stainless hardware so it was about $20 in total for both sides.

On the bottom, I’m messing around with ways to “hold” the bags against the pannier mount, currently the right side uses a small bungee cord, and the left is using two longer leather straps that came with the bags, I’ll keep experimenting 👍

I used anti-seize on the large bolts going into the subframe, and everything is extremely solid. I was thinking about getting a larger bag for the left side, but opted for the same. For what I want, the setup is perfect and matches the style of the bike (for me). Tank bag is for immediate needs (garage remote, wallet, visor cleaner, etc), left bag is for non essential stuff (first aid kit, tire patch kit, small tool bag), and right side is for daily stuff (alternate gloves, jacket quilted liner, sunglasses, etc). I’ve got a bad left hip, so I mount from the high side. I’ve had bags in the past that were wider like the factory ones, and I know I’d have a hard time, so this is a great option for me.

As far as maintenance, they are leather, I’ll clean them when needed, they will get a cool patina, I’m not worried 🤣 the tank bag has already been through several downpours, so you can see how the color will change. all that’s left is to get the rear rack and mount the tail bag. I’m not looking at hard core touring for myself, but with the space available, I could pack for 3-5 days easy, over the years I’ve learned how little I really need to travel long distances, and stopped overthinking it 👍

Final result (till I get the rack lol). In the last pic, you can get an idea of the size of the bags compared to the ones on my wife’s bike (factory scrambler bags).



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Great idea, I like the look, but those bags would not be big enough for me. I went with H&B C-bow Buffalo bags, plenty of room for a trip and I like the retro look.
I debated this route, they had the chrome mounts, and you could add any bag you wanted, figured if I couldn’t modify the factory brackets, I would just return them and go this way, thanks for sharing pictures, glad to see it works well for you!
Wishing someone with the talent and skills could replicate the attachment points on the factory bags- either as three parts, or as a plate (better for correct alignment) that you could bolt on to another bag system. In other words, the same as if you cut off the back of the factory bags.

This would allow us to use the stock brackets, which are nice to have when you are using panniers, along with any other bag on the market.

I know nothing about this, but is there a material used with 3D printing that would be as strong as the factory plastic attachment points?
Wishing someone with the talent and skills could replicate the attachment points on the factory bags- either as three parts, or as a plate (better for correct alignment) that you could bolt on to another bag system. In other words, the same as if you cut off the back of the factory bags.

This would allow us to use the stock brackets, which are nice to have when you are using panniers, along with any other bag on the market.

I know nothing about this, but is there a material used with 3D printing that would be as strong as the factory plastic attachment points?
I actually considered that, but decided that the OEM brackets are not strong enough to carry any more weight than the factory bags + 5kg of luggage. Hence going with the less attractive C-Bows.
I like the Shad 3P system and they make a mount for the Diaval 1200 that fit the lines of the bike well enough. Less obtrusive than the C-Bow, in my opinion. I wrote Shad USA and Shad UK asking if they would consider doing one for the 2020+ Rocket 3, but they said no plans. I haven’t found a way to reach out to Shad HQ in Italy yet, bit hoping they come around. One of the Diaval mounting systems has a cross-member that bolts up under the seat with hoops on each side. I thought about making something like that for the Rocket, but with sleeker lines than the hoops. Unfortunately my stills are in other areas and haven’t found a local fabricator to prototype with.
I ended up ordering the H&B c-bow Royster bags. I was originally thinking of getting the Triumph bags but noticed on a Youtube video that they look huge and really take away the muscle cruiser looks of the bike! The Triumph bags are 25L whereas the Roysters are only 15-17 L. I guess if you are into touring and need to pack a lot of gear then the bigger bags would be useful but for me smaller bags that are less intrusive are a better option. I'll post pics once I get them installed.
I ended up ordering the H&B c-bow Royster bags. I was originally thinking of getting the Triumph bags but noticed on a Youtube video that they look huge and really take away the muscle cruiser looks of the bike! The Triumph bags are 25L whereas the Roysters are only 15-17 L. I guess if you are into touring and need to pack a lot of gear then the bigger bags would be useful but for me smaller bags that are less intrusive are a better option. I'll post pics once I get them installed.
You will need a step drill bit to drill 4 holes.