
Standard Bore
Jun 1, 2012
Just looking at a new 2011 Rocket III Touring. Figured this would be a good place to get the low down on the bike.

Currently ride a 2007 Kawasaki Nomad and have had HD's most of my life.
Good to seed you're heading in the right direction. If you're not sure about a Rocket, just ride one. Welcome aboard - to the forum at least.
Maui no ka oi

Good luck on finding a rocket in da aina bra! I was a Corrections Officer (MCCC) and cop (MPD) on Maui for some years! Spent lots of time all over but mostly out and about the beautiful Leeward coastlines. Kihei to Lahaina and beyond. Met some very lovely and memorable fems there...including the mother of my youngest son Dante' (ALL my kids were born in Hawai'i to three wonderful women I still love)!

Up country is cool too braddah!. Olinda, Makawao, Haleakala. Hana is a hectic/challenging ride! Spent more time on O'ahu and the da Big Island (Kailua High School grad {Go Surfriders!} and UH grad {Hilo and Manoa campuses} as well as a Hawaii Pacific University and Honolulu Academy of Arts alum:D).

Over 30 years all told on three islands and have visited 5. NEVER a day goes by without me thinking of my island ohana! Still have dozens of friends and family over that vast and magical ocean. Treat Maui with love and aloha my friend, it is truly a land of mana.
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Welcome to the site from Oklahoma.
I'm in agreement with CanberraR3 who said,
Take a test ride then decide.
I rode harleys for 35 years, then 1 test ride later
I became a Triumph fan.
Liked mine so much, I bought the wife one too.
One test ride will tell ya if the Rocket is the bike for you.
Try out the roadster and the touring, as they have different ergos.
Get the one that you like, you can always change it around.
The only limitations I can think of are,
if you get the touring, the tire is narrower but there's more options,
if you get the roadster, you can go wider, but a narrower selection is available.
So it kinda depends on where you want your feet,
whether you want hard bags or not, the dash setup, etc.
Like I said ride both, then see which one rocks your world.
Good luck,
Dont do it man. You will drink alone!

The Harley crowd will stop coming around.

Your wife will forget your name and the Cops will know you real well.

You will stop paying bills and you could loose your job.

Worst case is you could become like Warp9.9 and believe that 160 in 4th gear is just too ****ed slow.

Your grown so its your call but you were warned.

Welcome to the site, though !!!
you paint quite a bleak picture.
I always have somebody to drink with,
just have to wait on them to get there.
On the positive side of it tho,
I ALWAYS get the best parking spot.;)
Thanks guys, sounds like you have my number, looking for the speed rush. Love my Nomad but it's just not enough power. Wife is already talking stink about me going too fast.
Oh well..been looking for awhile.

dracul, How's zit...I live Pukalani..shoots you on it, best riddin in the land just get tired of going in circles sometime.

Thanks guys, sounds like you have my number, looking for the speed rush. Love my Nomad but it's just not enough power. Wife is already talking stink about me going too fast.
Oh well..been looking for awhile.

dracul, How's zit...I live Pukalani..shoots you on it, best riddin in the land just get tired of going in circles sometime.

Pukalani boy eh? My ex is from there. Had some good and bad times there. Yeah, Maui is kinda small. Try da Big Island. Bigger in some cases IS Better! Nice cruise from Hilo to Kona through Waimea and Kawaihae...but back then I was a Harley sorta guy. Pahala through Puna and Opihikau can be kinda wicked too, bra. Good luck on the rocket bra...may need to check out what's on O'ahu.