Welcome to the site from Oklahoma.
I'm in agreement with CanberraR3 who said,
Take a test ride then decide.
I rode harleys for 35 years, then 1 test ride later
I became a Triumph fan.
Liked mine so much, I bought the wife one too.
One test ride will tell ya if the Rocket is the bike for you.
Try out the roadster and the touring, as they have different ergos.
Get the one that you like, you can always change it around.
The only limitations I can think of are,
if you get the touring, the tire is narrower but there's more options,
if you get the roadster, you can go wider, but a narrower selection is available.
So it kinda depends on where you want your feet,
whether you want hard bags or not, the dash setup, etc.
Like I said ride both, then see which one rocks your world.
Good luck,