All This Talk About Buckles.....

OK Hans I will try to do that for you maybe Thurs before I fit it.. meanwhile heres the site.. won mine on their Ebay site bid $45.00 + freight

that a good looking bag be pushed to make it for that price Leather is ridculously expensive these days

Hopefully they'll ship it by fast Black airplane,
not slow Red rowboat.
Same price either way so it's a crap shoot.
Actually I did a tracking on the buckle i sent Dennis and Aussie Post apoligised for accidently sending via the LITTLE BLACK Swamp Wallaby instead of the Fast BIG RED ROO Express
Hans, Hans, Hans,
Try as you might mate,
EVERYBODY knows the red is the slowwwww one.
The BLACK is so much faster it's not even a race.
Here's the FUNdamental difference.
Birthday Gift

Never Skip

Skip I dont know how you managed to do this..
but the Buckle, Bandana pack arrived today.. today is Saori's Birthday so I said
Oww!! look Saori.. Skip has sent you a Birthday Gift

Thank You Skp.. your timing meant I could keep mine on the belt
Now Sir How much ?? 20+5+5+ Postage is that right??

Let me Know Please so I can pay you.. Loved the Box Paint Job

PS I wanted a Geeza patch and I got a patch but thats Ok I will get one later maybe ..
Dennis drop Richard a PM I think he said he had extra Geeza patches a while back
I know where one is (mine) but I'll have a hunt. I think I may have given all the other "spares" away but if I find one it's yours, Dennis.
I knew the Aussie post would screw it up someway..
Naw, I can't blame it on them, guess i messed up (again),
I'll shoot ya a couple, but you aren't old enough for a geezer patch are ya?

How about you Richard, you get your package yet?
You should have as they both went out the same day.
I'll shoot ya a couple of Geezer patches on me Dennis.
Happy birthday to Saori from Oklahoma.