Air Filter Change

It's a good idea to remove all the fuel from the tank before disconnecting it, and to protect the bike from possible gasoline spills.
Can't wait till spark plug time.
You are a strange man. lol
I am envious that you enjoy and have the skills to wrench on your bike. I've learned a lot of things over the years, but unfortunately, mechanic skills are not on that list.
Video is up at my IG. Should be a decent overview of what it entails. Also should mention that while DNA did send me the filter for free, the content I create is of my own doing. It wasn’t part of any deal. Air Filter Install.
Thanks for video. Great help!
Video is up at my IG. Should be a decent overview of what it entails. Also should mention that while DNA did send me the filter for free, the content I create is of my own doing. It wasn’t part of any deal. Air Filter Install.
Nice! Looks pretty straight forward. Thank you!