Air box removal


.060 Over
Oct 12, 2013
Southern Louisiana
2014 Rocket 3 Roadster
Alright Guys. I am about to remove my airbox and put my KX-4040-1's along with my new Rebands. Are their any Step by Steps on this forum that would talk me trough this. I dont even have an owners manual with this bike. Ive done all this on other bikes in the past but this Beast is all new to me and I dont want to miss anything. I want to get it all right the first time.
Any and allhelp will be greatly appreciated!!!
Can't recall what info exactly I used but I was able to find everything on here. Sometimes the instructions can make a simple job seem more complicated than it really is. Removing the air box was pretty straight forward - undo everything and take all the bits out; 1 breather and 1 sensor to worry about.
All pretty obvious when the bits are in front of you .. just keep unbolting until it's all in a pile on the floor. Hard to go wrong honestly. Likes been said quite often longwinded instructions can make a simple job seem more complicated than it actually is.
After job compleated...Just hate when I have a nut, bolt or small part left over.

When done...Ever have a loose screw?
Alright Guys. I am about to remove my airbox and put my KX-4040-1's along with my new Rebands. Are their any Step by Steps on this forum that would talk me trough this. I dont even have an owners manual with this bike. Ive done all this on other bikes in the past but this Beast is all new to me and I dont want to miss anything. I want to get it all right the first time.
Any and allhelp will be greatly appreciated!!!
my thread may help with making sure the 4040's stay put by putting a brace across the top and then running a hidden brace dow to the trottle bodies, here is a link
as others have said it is as easy as just lifting the tank and undoing everthing connected to throttle bodies, remembering to locate the temp sensor in a small filter near the middle filter and then after leaveing the actual filter box for storage remove the little crankcase breather hose between the airbox and crankcase and put a little filter on the crankcase outlet, the two little filters required for this are available from Flipmiesters and here is link for the page cheers and have fun

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