Aftermarket exhaust

Here's a good explanation of why it could be lean or rich and why I said I plan on putting mine on a dyno and checking. Just because it could be lean on decel doesn't mean it's lean through out the power-band. MasterTune Common Tuning Problems
Correct, that is two different situations.
And yes, only the Dyno will tell the exact situation.
It’s lean in the cylinder at 0 throttle under load and the fuel doesn’t ignite in the cylinder. It passes into the exhaust manifold and explodes. My last Rocket had ridiculous explosions. This is fixable with a Power Commander where you can add fuel in the zero throttle position column. When is Dynojet going to release one for this bike?
Thank you been offline. Adding fuel on L table stops backfiring on old models.
Think putting on dyno good idea but doubt tuners have tools or access to ECU to correct at this stage. Will happen though.
To you exhaust 'gurus' out there (if you frequent this forum) I remember reading decades ago that and engine needs a certain volume in the muffler/s for optimal street performance (i know the MotoGP bikes have an empty coke can on the end of the pipe, but they don't have to run well through the rev range)
Any thoughts on how it might affect performance replacing the OEM wood stove beneath the engine with just a single muffler, the same size you would find on a 600-1000 cc bike?