Aftermarket exhaust

you will want to be careful with the newer bike, the mirrors will be the first thing to go, followed possibly by turn signals
you will want to be careful with the newer bike, the mirrors will be the first thing to go, followed possibly by turn signals
btw your analogy to the "rubber band" is excellent and describes it perfectly. I can't remember where I picked it up, but once I started playing with it -- can't go back. These days I challenge myself to not put my foot down unless it's a red light or total gridlock. That technique is exactly like stretching a rubber band. Adds a whole new dimension to riding.
I grew up in the dirt. On the first street bike I was riding, I went into a roundabout a little too hot and started drifting towards the outer curb, being worried about colliding with it I kept looking at it to make sure I wasn't getting too close - No No #1 (target fixation). I tried to correct by leaning harder away and the rear started to step out a little. Having ridden exclusively in the dirt, I instinctively stuck out my foot - No No #2. When that foot hit the pavement, I almost flew over the high side of the bike - it literally picked me up off the seat and tossed me to the other side of the bike. I think the only thing that saved me was years of learning to recover and keep the bike from going down in rocks and such...Oh, and the grace of God!
I LOVE playing around with slow sped maneuvering and balance and get to do it everyday I go to work waiting in the long line of traffic to get on the base! You should see the look on peoples faces when you are almost stopped and aren't putting your feet down!