accessory "silencers" vs stock cans

That's my boy, Hellfire! Now that you've busted his bubble, kick him square in the stones while you got him down! lol
I particularly like it when the mad scientist says ... "I think we can do better, let me think on it for awhile". Meanwhile I'm limping around with a check engine light, backfiring and detonation while he heads back to L.A. and disects where he went wrong. :mad:
But I can take comfort in knowing "I'm the first"! hahhhhhhhhhha
Hey Matty

I found this clip on YuToob a while ago, are yours similar? These whistle on the overrun.Cool or what!!

YouTube - triumph Rocket III Foran exhausts 3 into 2 sound file vers 2

I did email him in Feb and got a quote for $1400 aus +$180 shipping for long cans like the roadsters, but as I've used up all my dosh for the bike this'll have to wait a bit:( Not to mention the re-mapping - someone said here that the Roadster (and the T-Bird) now use a CAN type software (whatever that is) in the engine management system which is different from the old R3's, so maybe HF is right about the guinea pig issue!
Hey Och,Dougl,

No, mine aren't similar. I posted a link to a photo before they were put on the bike in the thread 'Making the Roadster Lighter'. They were still on the ground but it gives you an idea. It also shows a different exhaust he is doing for the Roadster which looks bloody good.

My new exhausts sound absolutely awesome. I'll post some pics up soon.

I get the bike back tomorrow. Can't wait to go for a ride now that everything is done exhaust and engine wise. Now I can slowly work on the cosmetic mods.

Having Wayne do my bike is the least of my worries. I have probably spoken to a dozen people who own bike shops, race bikes, and who have had R3's in the last 2 weeks since it was organised and they all smile and nod their head saying there is no one that will make the bike run better.

Speaking to people in person holds a hell of a lot more weight than two Nevilles who like to bring people down.
Wayne will do you right. After all you are doing him the favor. I was around when he did SteveRed's bike for the first Rocket tunes. He'll get you tuned up good.

Do the accessory silencers remove the small cat that is at the collector just after the header?

If the pipes are either too loud or too quiet, you may run one stock and one off-road pipe. Several have done that with the standard, however there are three pipes.
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Do the accessory silencers remove the small cat that is at the collector just after the header?

Pig9R - no this box staysas part of the original crosssover. The "accessory silencers" are just that, fitting on the ends of the two pipes. But I don't think it's a cat , as the RH side exhaust gases don't go near it, and both standard and accessory silencers seem to be identical in their respective ways. Could it be an acoustic trick to change the sound on one side for different "rasp" ? It's funny , lumpy shaped box .

Sorry Pig9r you're right - the small box is part of the exhaust pipe before the pipe splits to the cans, so it likely is a cat. It's left in place when the accessory silencers are fitted, as it's also the "y" piece where the main pipe splits.

Next time I swap cans I'll poke a wire inside it and see what's there if I can.
Wonder how long it will be before someone makes a clean crossover with out the cats? I installed the TOR's on my roadster thinking I would eliminate them. It did with the ones in the exhausts. The accessorie muffler has a clear thru larger diameter hole, unlike the stock cans. Still quiet but sound pretty good. Seem to be opening up as I put some miles on her.
Sure wish someone could get Sam to build us some 3 into1s for the Roadster. I'ld jump on a set.