ABS Brake Bleed Question

Thanks for the feedback... All the best with your Hayabusa! I too have limited knowledge and even fewer specialized tools... I'm working on both though.
If you Harley riders remember, the motor company used to use dot 5 silicone fluid in all their machines.. Really good fluid but 5 times the cost of Dot 4, so they dropped it.
The bean counters won that battle. Dot 5 didnt attract water, and didnt need replacement very often because of it.. and was safe if it got on your paint.
Only drawback was it as good for racing applications.
Anything to save a buck on a bike..
Harley do tell you this. It made me think twice about an ABS road king i bought new a couple of years ago and i sold it. I lost a couple of thousand in tax on it too just for the privilege of having it new for 6 months. I went back to my old 2003 Road King (also had it new) and i prefer it. No ABS or bells and whistles on that one and i can fix it myself although it has never missed a beat yet. (except for the cam chain tensioner) It uses Dot 5 brake fluid too. I will never get rid of it now.
The other bikes i have are injection and electronic and it does worry me should they need to go to the dealer for repairs.
We do'nt really need all this electronic stuff. We got on ok 40 years ago without it.