About OZ - This surprised me.

That would really suck! Odds against a copper sitting parked in the desert, pitting out his uni would likely be way in your favor though.
No dips like that through Death Valley - all WFO!!!
Track your speed with light planes on the Nullarbor. Cops are waiting for you when you hit what they claim is civilisation... which in truth is only some fly-blown collection of humpies.

That 146 klms or whatever that straight is has another 100 plus straight kilometres each f#ckin side of it .. after the 'slight bend' on either end .. sh!t road on a bike any way you look at it.
I was driving across the Nullarbor one night, on cruise control at 70mph, when a truck came into view - so we doth dropped our headlights to low beam. We passed each other 20 minutes later! Assuming he was also doing 70mph, it means that we were about 45 miles apart when we dropped to low beam because our lights were too bright.

An interesting concept.
I get 58.3 miles. heh heh heh
Can't understand the high beams being a factor at that huge distance.
Sure it was 25 minutes?

You can do that out round Cobar/Wilcannia too.

Bad bit is that you gotta drive a long way on low beam.... not much use with woolly jumpers......