I went to Amazon to look at the Shell Rotella T6 5W-40 oil and the page has a button for the "New" packaging and the "Original" packaging. The "Original" packaging lists the JASO DH-2 and JASO MA certifications but the "New" packaging does not. Did they change the formula for the "New" packaging or did they decide not to spend the money for these tests?
This is a personal blog, not a scientific, peer reviewed paper. This fellow addresses many components in technical fashion. Stats and data can easily be presented according to personal bias.
I liken this similar to computers rated high because of RAM amount, when there are many other elements also needed to make the overall difference.
To me, the Blog was a pile of well detailed entries with no overall focus or brand ratings.
Also not scientific, were testing done by Amsoil.
Obviously Amsoil came in first, BUT their #2 was Mobile 1.
After reading that independent test report, it seems that the vaunted Mobil I 4T motorcycle racing oil is really nothing special at all. Actually it was pretty pathetic, far down on the testing results.
Nothing. Castrol has been in business for a while.
Oil is like a religion to some.
I have turned wrenches for a very long time. What IS important is the correct type and correct amount, changed at the interval specs and you will be a happy camper.