A perspective on riding, life, and when riding is done

I have done many risky things in my life. Leaning in a turn just does something to my brain. Weather on a bicycle, surfboard, a water ski, a windsurfer or the moto. I'm scared but I have to do it.

I ride a lot less. Mostly due to the distracted driver epidemic. Please don't take this last source of thrill from me. If I loose it, I will have the memories and a couple pictures.

Ill be 65 next March. Cherish every ride and I know it could be the last every time I get on the bike. The bike got me out of the house when I thought I could not walk. Pain and depression are devilish forces. I hope I can ride at least 10 more years. If I go, I have no remorse. Hope that my death is granted to me quickly at no one else expense.

Thank you Rocket Riders, you are all an important part of my life.
I don't believe an intelligent skilled rider pushing at the limit is as saddled by age as much as they would be in many other sports. The age will come after the adrenaline dump, during recovery, when it takes ages longer.

It's mostly mental, at least in my case, I am no slower now than 20 years ago. Maybe measurably so on a reaction time tester, but I don't subscribe to that translating to being a slower rider.

With age comes knowledge, comfort and confidence in your skills, bike, and superior judgement. Those things, IMHO, offset any minor degradation of reaction time.

The fastest riders I know are all over 30, most over 40...

That said: The day I have a wreck that's my fault because of physical limitation, not misjudgment, is the day I hang it up.
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I don't believe an intelligent skilled rider pushing at the limit is as saddled by age as much as they would be in many other sports. The age will come after the adrenaline dump, during recovery, when it takes ages longer.
Muscular atrophy is a joy you have still to experience. And that is age related.