A perspective on riding, life, and when riding is done

I read it twice, tried to find positive thoughts, but I'm biased against such talktalkatalktalkantalktalkatalktalkand cannot. It is obvious she is a writer as she used almost all the words out there to get to the point. They are indeed very old people...
Nothing more dangerous on a motorcycle than someone with no confidence and only a rare few know when it is time to give it up. They are still young so they will find something else to do:D we had a rider at RAAIV I think and he could not ride worth a dogs right ball, he went off the road then got the shakes trying to ride back to the motel, he had to leave his bike in a park area then me and Steve Cowherd went back for the bike.
The bike was a Tourer and when I got it back i said to him can your bike go over 110mph he said I do not know and i said yes it can plus I told him that I rubbed my *****all over his toy rooster.
(old timers remember this guy)
Nothing more dangerous on a motorcycle than someone with no confidence and only a rare few know when it is time to give it up. They are still young so they will find something else to do:D we had a rider at RAAIV I think and he could not ride worth a dogs right ball, he went off the road then got the shakes trying to ride back to the motel, he had to leave his bike in a park area then me and Steve Cowherd went back for the bike.
The bike was a Tourer and when I got it back i said to him can your bike go over 110mph he said I do not know and i said yes it can plus I told him that I rubbed my **** all over his toy rooster.
(old timers remember this guy)

I went through this with my old motor cop partner. He was pushing 80 and very unstable on two wheels.
He actually listened and quit . . . until some of his riding buddies talked him into a trike. No stability issues, but he was still a threat with diminished cognitive skills.
I sweated that out for a couple years until he passed from lung cancer. Miss ya, Norm!
Now we got another retired LEO in our Blue Knights, younger than I whose riding is really shaley and sux!
Folks complain to me how dangerous he is to ride either in front of or in back of. i have spoken nicely with him, but he is totally unaware of, and denies there is anything wrong with his riding. He is a real nice guy and a great member to our club. Why must I be the "bad guy"???
I went through this with my old motor cop partner. He was pushing 80 and very unstable on two wheels.
He actually listened and quit . . . until some of his riding buddies talked him into a trike. No stability issues, but he was still a threat with diminished cognitive skills.
I sweated that out for a couple years until he passed from lung cancer. Miss ya, Norm!
Now we got another retired LEO in our Blue Knights, younger than I whose riding is really shaley and sux!
Folks complain to me how dangerous he is to ride either in front of or in back of. i have spoken nicely with him, but he is totally unaware of, and denies there is anything wrong with his riding. He is a real nice guy and a great member to our club. Why must I be the "bad guy"???
Because you care about him and those around him. Its more dangerous if he is totally unaware of the problem .
I went through this with my old motor cop partner. He was pushing 80 and very unstable on two wheels.
He actually listened and quit . . . until some of his riding buddies talked him into a trike. No stability issues, but he was still a threat with diminished cognitive skills.
I sweated that out for a couple years until he passed from lung cancer. Miss ya, Norm!
Now we got another retired LEO in our Blue Knights, younger than I whose riding is really shaley and sux!
Folks complain to me how dangerous he is to ride either in front of or in back of. i have spoken nicely with him, but he is totally unaware of, and denies there is anything wrong with his riding. He is a real nice guy and a great member to our club. Why must I be the "bad guy"???
Why must you be the bad guy?????? maybe to save his our more importantly someone else life.