A little Lean Angle fun

Thanks, I know some is from the feelers on the boards burying on the pavement but also think I have a little adjustment to play with.
I am not bragging or suggesting that u do this. and there r a lot of people that has tried lots of different things and know much more about suspension than i do
this is the only thing that i have tried and it seem to work for me.

progressive front springs with air ride
Well i read the hole thread. Pretty impressive. One question: When your taken that blind turn at a high speed what do you do when that deer or other critter is staring at you eye ball to eye ball? Or if worse that guy that had a few to many at the company picnic is not in his respected lane? They say the longer you hang out at the barber shop the more likely your going to get a haircut. Kind of guessing here but figure the same while riding. You cover a lot of miles over a years time you learn how to stay alive and in one piece. 2X3=6 multiple that by more than 10,000 miles a year and the odds get worse. It is one thing to bragg it is another to be alive and ride many a mile. Many a mile Before i sleep.
Free Length - 165mm
ID - 59mm
OD - 78mm
Wire thickness - 9.5mm
Active Coils - 4 full turns + the 2 inactive windings milled flat.

The calculator I found that seems pretty good came up with the below if I use 9mm for wire diameter to account for the powdercoating, with 9.5 mm it returned a spring rate more like 62nm.


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Is your free length spring dim taken while removed from the shock?
Excellent choice, Ricardo!
Hope you ordered the standard spring rate.
Start by setting your sag (loaded bags and you) to .75 or 1 inch) ride and hand adjust as needed.

A sales tech helped me decide which model to buy. Weight, some two up? Luggage/bags? Don't know if ill have enough hand/arm strength to adjust them.
The trick is turn the spring itself and the top hat as a unit, it makes it much easier since you'll have better purchase to grip with.