A late introduction from an old fart

Thanks for the comments folks, & Tom Cat the colour is standard from Triumph. The saddle I had leather covered & fitted with a 1" thick gel pad, - it all personalises the beast.
G'day Jack , great to have a pirate onboard :D Funny enough i was looking at the local bikesales website yesterday and spotted a blue and white one for sale here in Oz.
captain jack looking forward to seeing her in the flesh so to speak friday , will get me polish out now and try to get mine as shiny :d. See you friday regards hooky.
You guy's can probably tell that hooky & I are meeting up thanks to this forum, for those outside the area we are meeting at the "Raven" cafe, a well known & popular meeting place where the owner Pete (well his wife really) rides a rocket called "Predator". Looking forward to meeting you hooky, just got back from the cat & fiddle, ride back from Mac. was the best yet, making progress big time.
Hello from Scotland Jack, bike is very nice. I have the cream/red one, but its black now.
hey Jack, that's a great color combination. i really like the way the blue and silver go together. you have a really sharp looking rocket III there.

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