Did you mean to say 2 rears for every 1 front? Otherwise, 20-24K for a rear
Tire life has been discussed in other posts, but now you've blown my theory apart. I figured those of us getting high mileage must be doing highway miles on the straights. I've never been to Toccoma (would like to), but you have twisties there and you don't putter, nor does Rob. I keep an eye on my tire pressure- not sure what other "secret" there could be to ensuring long life. I hit the twisties going to and from work and that accounts for about 70% of my miles. I've only noticed that the more comfortable I am riding this bike that my tire mileage continues to go down. Always less than 5K miles, always
Wondering what
@rainman ,
@Dr.D, and others in this area are getting on the roads around here.
Sorry, I hope this is relevant (enough) to the OP's question.