Knowledge I was talking running curves you neck of the woods

now amazingly I have a cobra front on a rim from last year with the exedra max. Thus the same down angle. Dang if tge cobra doesn't look like your h50 the extra flat spot each side from counter steer. I suspect that because we had the same rear.
This time my 240/40/18 is smaller the the max yet larger then the 240/50/16. Thus different down force. I suspect to different axle center lines. Now my cobra wasnt the tree coumpund stuff like the h50 butt I suspect with the same down force the in curves the softer tire (h50) will loose yet still have mile of super slab left in it. Im lucky as my front fork length and rear shock length are both adjustable so I have more say so in how the weight of the bike is presented to the curve. Well and
some have noticed I do nit sit still on the bike, I move about