A blast on number 547 TFC.

Yes it is,all FUN is slowly being sucked out of all our lives

In my younger days I was always a Rebel.
Then as I matured, I wondered why was I a Rebel, and what was I rebelling against ?

I now realize that it is all this Political, and Bureaucratic Bulla Sheit, and how "they" are always trying to dumb everyone down.
I'm still a rebel and I will never mature !
I understand all of your male servants on your estate must be perfectly and freshly shorn.
Dang what a demented pervert!!!!!!!!! I said I had one sex slave and I never said it was a HE??????? It is a woman dip chit. Da wife if you need it plained like that fer your slowness.

I typed that real slow so you would understand it better.
Dang what a demented pervert!!!!!!!!! I said I had one sex slave and I never said it was a HE??????? It is a woman dip chit. Da wife if you need it plained like that fer your slowness.

I typed that real slow so you would understand it better.
Don't get mad at me because your gardener is hairless!
TFC has an extra 17hp just with a different tune, so an extra 10% should be a given if the tuners can do it.
Actually it has I think 7HP more so not anything to get excited about so now the VMAX and Diaval are bertter performers it seems TRiumph is always lagging behind and would sell much better if it made say 230 HP