70th Anniversary of "D"Day tomorrow


.040 Over
Mar 3, 2014
Rocket 111 and a Tiger 1050
Off to France touring tomorrow and by coincidence its the 70th anniversary of "D" day and it brings to mind all the guys who put their lives on the line and change the direction of the second world war.

I'm sure we all know someone either in the family or our friends that lost a loved one at that time so spare a moment tomorrow to think of those fallen men who ultimately brought about the end to the war.

As a foot note I heard on the TV that the veterans association will disband this year as there's not many of them left .... then I saw a interview with this old Paratrooper (Who must have been in his ninety's) he said I'll still come over every year I'm alive if somebody will bring me over. I bet there will be people falling over them self's to take him over.

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We do owe them. I'm not a fan of the military, and think the fact that we have them at all is proof we're still a dangerous child species, but without the brave people who fought off the Nazis we'd all be worse off.

It's really sad too that only 70 years later the right-wing forces are once again beginning to surge. Did we really learn so little from that horrible period? Oh well, hopefully people will come to their senses.
70 years ago...so much has changed and yet so many of the same problems are still around. Not many vets left from that day as they would all be close to 90 now. Somehow I don't really see to days generation getting behind a cause like that.

I see by the "?" you may be troubled regarding your country.
That is too bad, because my country is the best EVER in the world!
Europe is WAY too far left and having problems. Although too far right be just as bad; we need some of that "right wing surge" to correct what's wrong and fine tune things.

Not sure where it picks up the country, haven't bothered filling it in, but for the record it's the very left-leaning Finland. Which, unlike the US who is now blowing over 50% of its federal tax income on the war machine and killing brown people abroad still retains it's AAA economic rating...and an infrastructure that's actually good and not rated "D+" by the ASCE.

I don't want to get into a politics dirtslinging match on this forum, it's really not the appropriate place, and I do honor the people who gave their lives 70 years ago to keep the right-wing racist scumfilth from taking over the world, but that particular fight never seems to end, with selfish people thinking you can build a society that's worth a warm bucket of spit without focusing on cooperating and doing things jointly and without giving all people the same rights and opportunities to succeed.

America is failing hard at that, with a few dozen of the richest people holding the same amount of wealth as the poorest starving 150 million... all due to right-wing selfish policies run amok. Adding more right-wing nonsense to that is a recipe for disaster, at this rate America won't be fighting the nazis, they'll be the nazis. The nation is already a de facto oligarchy making laws by the rich for the rich. This should be a massive warning flag to everyone, especially considering that the US has the most bloated military ever seen on the face of the planet already.

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D-Day remembrance is not the place for who's right, who's wrong. It's a place to say thank you, to take pause, and to respect all the lives lost ensuring that here, 70 years later, we all have the right to start another thread to debate the pluses and minuses of capitalism versus socialism or whatever political agenda you believe in.
War is an atrocious thing, but the sacrifice of those men (regardless of the reasons) remind us that even in our darkest hour humanity is displayed. I, and anyone living free today, am and appropriately should be forever grateful to them for that freedom! Today I will not debate; I will only remember, be thankful for, and respect those sacrifices!
Jeff, what's even cooler is one of those 90 year old men is actually jumping out of a C-47 onto Omaha today! Can you imagine?!
The 5 D-Day Landing Beaches:

D-Day Monument at the American Cemetery:

Dedication on the Chapel at the Cemetery:

A View of the Cemetery:

A Marker to an Unknown:

Omaha Beach: (Note how wide, open and unprotected the Beach is and how far the troops had to traverse without cover of any kind)

Two of Several Monuments on Omaha Beach:


Good video that Wolf-Pac! It calls for getting back to our Constitution and exactly what I was referring to.
I also learned Finnland has 18% population below the poverty line compared to 15% US.
Both suck - we suck less.