Not sure where it picks up the country, haven't bothered filling it in, but for the record it's the very left-leaning Finland. Which, unlike the US who is now blowing over 50% of its federal tax income on the war machine and killing brown people abroad still retains it's AAA economic rating...and an infrastructure that's actually good and not rated "D+" by the ASCE.
I don't want to get into a politics dirtslinging match on this forum, it's really not the appropriate place, and I do honor the people who gave their lives 70 years ago to keep the right-wing racist scumfilth from taking over the world, but that particular fight never seems to end, with selfish people thinking you can build a society that's worth a warm bucket of spit without focusing on cooperating and doing things jointly and without giving all people the same rights and opportunities to succeed.
America is failing hard at that, with a few dozen of the richest people holding the same amount of wealth as the poorest starving 150 million... all due to right-wing selfish policies run amok. Adding more right-wing nonsense to that is a recipe for disaster, at this rate America won't be fighting the nazis, they'll be the nazis. The nation is already a de facto oligarchy making laws by the rich for the rich. This should be a massive warning flag to everyone, especially considering that the US has the most bloated military ever seen on the face of the planet already.