5.75 Daymaker alternatives?

How bright the bulb is is not the important factor. (Damm I always wanted to is is like Clinton!)
Tis how far downrange in the dark they can produce 3.2 lux or .3 foot candles.
My Daymakers can exceed 300 feet at that mark.

If any of our Rocket Owner Northwest riders wish to meet me in Tacoma or Seattle, I'd like to test some of these china-lights.
It would need to be dark and would take about an hour once at the grid.
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The graff cuts off at 250 feet; however, you can see by the convergence of the colored lines that they will go out to at least 300 feet. Just in case you be interested:
Yup i got the same, excellent . My friend got h-d 400$ in his 48 no difference whatsoever. I did disconnect little bulb fuses r fine. good luck bike looks niceH-D daymakers r made in china as well
YES I heard that from the parts man at Brians HD
YES I heard that from the parts man at Brians HD
Interesting that we can do a comparison and I have to say my stock lights are fine BUT I would like even better lighting and will be installing the cheapo bulb replacements since others are bragging about how good they are and are only $40 total
Yup i got the same, excellent . My friend got h-d 400$ in his 48 no difference whatsoever. I did disconnect little bulb fuses r fine. good luck bike looks niceH-D daymakers r made in china as well
Then why do they say made in America? This is a simple case of "YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU GET"
No I haven't bought any lights yet. I have been looking at this light just haven't pulled the trigger yet. Thanks for the link

Good Lord you cheap Bastid!!!!!! I'll buy you a set if you promise to Lemon Pledge my bike - Hurry the heck up!!!!!
Then why do they say made in America? This is a simple case of "YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU GET"
THE guys I talked to with the bulb replacements are very happy with the improved 3 times better lighting nothing but praise so far so what can i say its a good choice for little dollars you cant argue with success A local custom shop TRICKED OUT CYCLE from TV FAME sells all the lighting including the DAYMAKERS and he likes the cheapo bulb replacements he says they work really well and are reliable with all the customers happy so far for a fraction of the cost of the $700 DAYMAKERS
My world is not centered around local custom shops it consist of riding a bike late at night and very early mornings on a Highway that runs through mostly open country with many road hazards. 58 miles every night dealing with road kill, live animals and road debri the DAYMAKERS have saved my #ss more than once.
Will you just get on with it and fit the Adaptives you have! - You'll see why as soon as you hit the first long sweeping bend.
NOTHING - be it LED Bulbs - HID, Chinese knockoffs, daymakers, trucklites, JWSpeaker car lights stands a chance after. Just wish the aux lights adapted as well.

Want to see the graphs from your clearwater too.