3 sisters ride, late October?.........

Hey Where is the 3 sisters? I have heard of that run before but not sure where it is. I’m in Denton.

Trust me!
Once you come ride this country, you WILL wanna return!
I first went there not expecting much, but I wanted to see my brothers.
I was blown away with the twisty quality and country side!
This will be my third consecutive year to Leakey.
Once we get a handle on how many are coming, we can reserve the house(s).
I look forward to it as well.
I'll only have about 800-1000 miles on the SuperDuke R, so I may not be up front with the fast group this go round

You ride wherever you want, preferably immediately in front of me so I can watch that gorgeous Super Dukie in action!
Oh sure but nobody wants to ride through California and grab my ass! NOOO!

If that's what it takes -
Consider it DONE!
Looks like five days ride from your place to Leakey.
Jim, sounds like the "offers" are rolling in your direction...Do ya' feel like a 16 year old cheerleader?
Did watch "another" member Rub your backside in Sterns....:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Just west of San Antonio, we'll be staying at the Leaky Pecan Farm. Arrange your days off, and pack your bag. :thumbsup:

Thanks steel! A little short Notice for me to go for that distance. I just got the bike so I’m having to splash out on insurance, registration, performance upgrades and accessories etc etc etc!... next year!
Thanks steel! A little short Notice for me to go for that distance. I just got the bike so I’m having to splash out on insurance, registration, performance upgrades and accessories etc etc etc!... next year!
You're welcome. You do have other R3 owners in your area, so don't be shy about organizing a ride near you. Be sure to get down to Tyler and sample some of @EasTexRIII BBQ. :thumbsup: