3 sisters ride, late October?.........

According to "Dark Sky" tis 70s & 80s for Oct 18 - 21, which looks to be a little warmer than the 25 - 28
Neither week shows any rain!
25th-28th would most likely be better for me. Not sure the wife will want to spend her birthday driving 20 hours with me after just getting back from Houston 4 days prior
Frio Pecan farm is pretty full

I'm in. dates and times don't matter. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

I'll buy the coffee & bring a jug O' Bulleit!
You bring yer BMW T-Shirt & bypass all HD shops!
@Steel bring "T" . . . and copious boudin
@EasTexRIII . . . bring daughter and mucho Q!
@1K9 . . . bring the bloody nose & MC tires!
@breeze . . . bring stuffed peppers and provide threpy!
@teraeric . . . hope you can do this one?!
This one will surpass last years wet pavement!
October 25-28 would work best for me. We have a plant maintenance shutdown October 15-19 so that kinda screws that weekend for me. I could do either of the first two weekends in October also.