215hp street build

I will put a straw in spark plug hole ( long screw driver) and set tdc closer to ( dwell point) better and see if that does it. I must have just been off ( one side or other) on tdc on 2 & 3.
you can also check your tdc to see if it is correct some times the harmonic balencer would slip on the crank and that would give you fits.
The engine is new mate, you have put in new rings gapped correctly, valves all seated well etc. Why even bother with a leak down test, you are just beating yourself up for no reason . Do a quick ccp test to verify cam settings accurate, then tune.
Cold cranking pressure 265 approximately on all 3, im pretty sure im fixing to have to move cams, but shes strong, blowing puffs of air out exhaust ports gonna be a monster, 200hp kit looking good


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Well 1st attempt i failed, yeah I obviously have fooked up something when setting cams as 265psi is not correct. I didnt achieve what i was told to do and its 100% totally on me, i will get back in there and get correct. Motor is good, i haven’t messed up anything so dont give up on me guys. Learning alot and having the time of my life.
Ive found the issue, me, well we knew that but confirmation. Im on the right track now, well Lush racings tech dept. got me back on track. Im close, should be at 210 215 and events correct soon. So far no damage after 3257 attempts and several changes tear downs and do overs. Will finish this weekend when im fresh for the final button up. And lots of red loctite going into clean threads. Notes are not in english but this is final go notes, 1 more ok 2 more adjustments and im there.


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