I just picked up my Rock from the $360.81 20k service (what are the rest of you paying?) with no valve adjustment (not required on 20k). After getting over the sticker shock, the mechanic (very good man) points out that the owner made him write the comment on the bottom of the ticket (car tire on rear makaes motorcycle unsafe to ride)...wtf? I brought it in for a service, not his opinion of a tire that I did not consult him on, nor did he have anything to do with the installation. I have a mine to ask him, do you do this with every Darkside, or Worn out Metz? I'll probably just let it go...it's a no win/not worth pissing my local dealer off subject. I just needed to vent. Maybe he thinks he would be liable if he didn't warn me, just like my doc that I work for has to tell obese people that if you haul 1 ton of cargo in a 1/2 ton truck, it's probably not to good on it.